Saturday, 18 December 2010

Maggie's Cancer Care Centres

A piece of motion graphics, designed to promote the positive benefits of Maggie’s care centres to cancer patients. The piece combines typography with architectural forms, found in Maggie’s centres, to communicate a sincerely positive message.

The typography has been set in slightly edited variations of Mr. Eaves and Mrs. Eaves typefaces. The juxtaposition of these two gendered typefaces communicates a subtle human feel throughout the motion design.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Interactive E-book first tests

Here's an initial example of a section of an interactive E-book that I'm working on. Follow the link below, and check it out. You'll need to have flash player installed, although it's usually installed already so you shouldn't have to worry.

Monday, 6 December 2010

User Generates content

I've designed two versions of a modular based typeface this weekend, and with them I am beginning to build some ideas for an interactive ebook that I plan to make.

My Ebook is based around the topic of the changing nature of typographic media. With modern modes of digital user interaction, the written word is now read in an order that suits the viewer.

With this ebook, I plan to convey these ideas through to the viewer through a series of interactive experiences.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Global Village Typeface

Today I Completed a new typeface called "Global Village". This typeface is going to be used in a self directed study project at University. This typeface has some very slight resemblance in some of it's glyphs to Herbert Bayers "Univesal Alphabet", however unlike universal, this typeface has a complete character set with numerals, some discretionary ligatures and a few alternate glyphs.

I am very pleased with this typeface, and I am now going to feature it in the design of an online E-book.